For the poor in developing countries, the benefits of biogas are many. Biogas is something like a catalyst for reducing the problems associated with poverty, and for helping lift peoples and communities out of poverty.
- It provides a smokeless fuel
(WHO says 4 million people die every year from indoor smoke);
- it offers more free time
(Studies show that at least one person, usually the eldest girl, must spend up to 6 hours a day gathering firewood-- with biogas she or other family members can take care of the digester in 20 minutes, and she can go to school and later educate her children);
- it provides very good light in the evening, as this picture shows
(offering lower costs, because kerosene does not have to be purchased, and light for reading, sewing, making crafts to sell, enabling medical procedures and so on);
- it reduces infectious diseases due to better sanitation;
- and so on.