The Complete Biogas Handbook

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The Complete Biogas Handbook

The Bible of Biogas: Giving the world gas since 1976

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SPN 02: Making the panel right

Making the panel right

As you know, polypanel digesters are made of a sandwich: polysty is the meat in the middle: it insulates the contents of the digester. The 'bread' on the outside of the sandwich is inexpensive wood on either side to enable the polysty to resist the force of water pressure. The boards that end up outside the digester have screws that pass through the polysty and find ‘purchase’ in the inside wood, tying the polypanel sandwich strongly together.

SPN 01: Making the Base

Manufacturing the parts, and building the base for [The_Cube]

Perhaps you know already: [The_Cube] holds 1.3 m3 of slurry, which has about the same density of water. (“1.3 m3” is a bit more than 340 gallons, or 46 ft3. The total volume of [The_Cube] is greater than any of those numbers because some of the space is devoted to the big bubble of biogas in the top 6 inches of the digester.)


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